Monday 31 October 2011

Roller Racing

Roller Racing is almost ready! A year ago I started on a project to replicate the roller racing equipment used to do short races on rollers. The original roller racing used a geared system that connected the rollers to large dials on the display. As far as I'm aware there is nowhere you can buy this equipment and even if we could it would be expensive. So I set about building an electronic version that I hoped would be just as much fun but also give us some unique benefits. Since many of us not proficient on rollers (and have no desire to be so)   I wanted my equipment to work with rollers and standard turbo trainers. I also wanted it to be fun for all of us to race regardless of equipment and ability.

Well after a year of development the system finally spring to life at the weekend! The current implementation will allow  up to 4 riders to race over a distance of 1-99KM. The system will automatically handicap each rider so regardless of your setup and ability the races should be close. The board will also be programmed with our weekly training program. All going well the board will make an appearance this week for the training program and should be ready for racing a few weeks later.  It's been difficult to test as a one person race doesn't work well. One solution was to attach the sensor to my daughters gerbil wheel, but unfortunately the Gerbil died before I got it finished which was unfortunate. Well on the plus side it save me the ensnarement of being beaten by a gerbil!


  1. OpenSprints is an open source roller racing electronics / software project that you can get ideas from...

  2. Goldsprint High Tech Testing Device
